Improving Your Experience

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz

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Rose Quartz
The stone of unconditional love
Affirmation: I am filled with loving compassion for me and others.
Physical: Alzheimer’s disease, bruising, burns, cough, dementia, dying process and transitioning, eating disorders, emphysema, fatigue, headache and migraine relief, hysterectomy, infertility, kidney disorders and health, lungs, menstrual cramps and menstruation, neck health, pain relief, PTSD, shingles, skin infections and irritations
Emotional: anger diffusing or release, calming, coping with grief, emotional healing, emotional strength and stability, fear, forgiveness, guilt, jealousy, love, reducing stress or tension, relationships
Spiritual: connecting with consciousness, divine love/connection/guidance, heart chakra, increasing positive energy, spiritual love, unconditional love
Primary Chakra: Heart Chakra